ABS Electro

109028, Russia, Moscow, 109028, Serebryanicheskaya naberezhnaya, 29, Moscow, Russia
Phone number
+7 (495) 7354244; +7 (8352) 305148
Fax number
+7 (495) 7354259; +7 (8352) 305111
About company
ABS Electro is a group of companies that provides customers with profitable advanced solutions in several diverse fields: electric power industry, shipbuilding, housing maintenance and utilities, oil, gas, metal, mining and others. Сore areas: Development and manufacturing of a wide range of electro-energetic equipment and automated process control systems. Implementation of relay protection, automation and power equipment management systems. Research and development (R&D). General contractor for turnkey construction of power plants: from project management and system integration to the supply of technical systems, commissioning and training, maintenance. Energy audit of facilities. ABS Electro is comprised of industry-leading domestic enterprises with more than half a century of experience in the market(OJSC "ABS ZEIM Automation", OJSC "VNIIR")
"ABS ZEIM Automation", "VNIIR"